Forum > Frag House 2019

Forum >> Andere LAN Partys > Frag House 2019
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Autor Thema: Frag House 2019
10.01.2019 um 10:22Editiert von litzozoid - 10.01.2019 um 10:28 AntwortBenutzerprofilNachricht senden

Clan: IcH| Clan AUT
Postings: 1

Die Frag House 2019 wird mit 200 TeilnehmerInnen am 3 - 5.5.2019 in Weyer stattfinden.

Alle weiteren Infos findet ihr unter:

Wir freuen uns auf Euer kommen

Euer Frag House Orga Team

Dateianhang:    lansuite-logo.png    42 KB
26.10.2019 um 05:44 AntwortBenutzerprofilNachricht senden

Clan: Wintex Sports
Postings: 1

At present, technology developed especially video games is becoming a trend to invest by corporations or large companies. It's also not surprising because the Game is also one of the forms to relax entertainment, but it also brings some benefits to the player. Games is one of the entertainment electronics in general, but it is extremely suitable for people in modern life who are worried about making money without time to travel or relax, games are the number one choice. Help you relax entertainment at rest or after a tiring day at work. To meet today's entertainment requirements, video games develop and change to meet the needs of everyone, but to choose a game with a nature of leisure, GamesBX is an option. Perfectly chosen by the diverse game genres updated every day, the special thing here is that it is completely free and fast without registration like other online game genres but can still connect to Players around the world through different group play modes, and it's incredibly easy to use for anyone. For example, the game is one of the typical games today with a very simple way to play and connect.
However, you should also pay attention to the playing time to avoid health effects even if it is a game with bold entertainment without plowing like other online games.

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